Sunday, January 27, 2008

I blinked, now he is three!

It has been three years in the blink of an eye. My little baby is not so little, and now a boy. When he was a baby I told myself, "self, don't forget this moment!" But I did. Much of it anyway. And now he is three, and there is so much more to tell. Hopefully this will remind me of these days.

CJ my sweet three-year-old, you were born with a happiness inside of you. You wake up early and ready for the day with a smile on your face. The world is yours for the taking, and you do that each and everyday! Everywhere your feet take you, they take you in style. I can't remember the last time you walked anywhere. You hop, jump, and run EVERYWHERE! There is no room that can contain you. Your ingenuity allows you to open all doors, locks, climb over obstacles and explore. It is impossible for you to walk by a stranger without saying "Hi, what's your name?" Even in your jogger as I am passing someone by. You make friends with the bagger at the grocery store, and every child that nears your height. "Is that my friend?" you turn to me and say, as a child walks by you. You love to make messes, but even more you love to clean them up. You hate sleep, as you feel as if you are missing out on the world spinning around without you. Your imagination can turn the bath into an ocean and the couch into a mountain in under 10 seconds. But you rarely leave that world as quickly. Your are loving, and generous with your kisses and hugs.

Hold on to that happiness, even in the hardest times of your life. Keep that sylish step as you go through life, and never walk anywhere that you can skip to. Let your creativity allow you to explore the world. Continue to see the stranger as a potential friend, and be kind to everyone you see. It is your gift. As you go through life, learn from your messes, and enjoy the lessons learned as you clean them up. Use that childlike imagination to dream big, and hold onto those dreams. Continue to love others as you do, for in that you will find true happiness. I love you CJ!!! Happy Birthday.


michelle nicoloff said...

Happy Birthday CJ!!!! Noel, what beautiful made me teary eyed!

KWeed said...

Noel, there is a saying (Tad's favorite) that "More's caught than taught!"
I think CJ comes by his little personality through his born nature, but also by the example of his mommy, who tends to make friends wherever she goes, runs and skips, and lives her life with the openest of arms to any possibilities that come her way.
I think he seems to be catching alot! ;-) You and Rod are wonderful parents and I can't believe what a little man he has become...wasn't I just trying to figure out a little tiny 7 or 8 month old into my weekly routine?
Anyway, just wanted you to know that it is evident to all how much he is loved and cherished, and if he "catches" nothing else in this life, he will catch that!
Happy Birthday "C" from the Weedmans!!

Alana said...

It was just yesterday that CJ came into the world wasn't it? Just like his mama, ready for the world he sped through labor ready to experience it all fully and whole-heartedly...Happy third birthday to you my amazing nephew and to my sister who became a mama three years ago (what an amazing birthday of both a baby and a new mama!). I Love you both, more than I could ever express in any comment. I look forward to what the world brings you and what you bring to the world sweet CJ! I love you! Auntie Nonnie