Wednesday, March 19, 2008

An answer to prayer

One of the best things about teaching is the collaboration you have with colleages. You bounce ideas off of them, you get ideas on how to get your kids to behave better, and you laugh about the things at your job that only YOU could find funny as a teacher.

Entering into a new profession, I felt like I was on an island working on my own. Sure, I could make a long distance phone call to my parents begging for photoshop help, but it is not the same as a real live friend in the flesh who can help you out. So I prayed that one would come my way......

Along came Michelle Nicoloff, fellow photog. Michelle can laugh at my mistakes, can tell me hers, but more importantly, we share the ideas, and joys we have in this job. I am so truly blessed to have her in my life. It was also an honor to be able to photograph your four beautifuls. What craziness, what fun!

1 comment:

michelle nicoloff said... are soooooooo sweet. You know that I feel the same way about you and our friendship. I thank GOD that you have come into my life too! I cannot wait to look back in a year to see where our photography journeys take us. You are amazing! Love you !